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Answering Natural Language Questions over FoodKG

We demonstrate a potential use of our FoodKG for answering natural language questions over knowledge graphs, aka, knowledge base question answering (KBQA). Given questions in natural language such as "what Indian dishes can I make with chicken and garlic?", our goal here is to automatically find answers from the FoodKG. We believe this is a natural way to access a large-scale knowledge graph, especially for non-experts users. Moreover, in this way, our FoodKG is able to benefit users by providing nutrition facts of ingredients and diverse recipe options in a user-friendly way. To this end, we build this application which is Answering Natural Language Questions over FoodKG. We first create a synthetic Q&A dataset based on our FoodKG using a set of manually designed question templates. Then we train a state-of-the-art neural network-based KBQA model called BAMnet on the Q&A dataset. After training the KBQA model, it is supposed to answer similar natural language questions based on the FoodKG.


In order to run the following experiments, you will need to first download the code. All relevant code is in the app_kbqa folder. This code is written in python 3. You will need to install a few python packages in order to run the code. We recommend you to use virtualenv to manage your python packages and environments. Please take the following steps to create a python virtual environment.
  1. If you have not installed virtualenv, install it with pip install virtualenv.
  2. Create a virtual environment with virtualenv venv.
  3. Activate the virtual environment with source venv/bin/activate.
  4. Install the package requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt.

Create a synthetic Q&A dataset

Fetch KG subgraphs from a remote KG stored in Blazegraph

We assume you have already loaded the FoodKG into Blazegraph. If not, please follow the instructions in the User Guide to download, install, and load the FoodKG RDF data in to the Blazegraph endpoint on your system. Please also confirm that the variable USE_ENDPOINT_URL hard-coded in data_builder/src/config/ matches the URL and namespace of your Blazegraph instance.

  1. Go to the data_builder/src folder, run the following cmd:
    python -o [qas_dir]
    python -o [qas_dir]

    In the [qas_dir] folder, you will see two JSON files: usda_subgraphs.json which is for the USDA data and recipe_kg.json which is for the Recipe1M data.

  2. Note that in the recipe data, a few tags contain more than 5000 recipes which might cause Out of Memory issue when running the KBQA system. So you may want to create a smaller recipe dataset by randomly keeping at most 2000 recipes under each recipe tag. In order to do that, run the following cmd:
    python -recipe [qas_dir/recipe_kg.json] -o [qas_dir/sampled_recipe_kg.json] -max_dish_count_per_tag 2000

  3. Now, you can merge the above two files into a single file using the following cmd:
    cat [qas_dir/usda_subgraphs.json] [qas_dir/sampled_recipe_kg.json] > [qas_dir/foodkg.json]

    This is the local KG file which will be accessed by a KBQA system.

Generate synthetic questions

  1. Run the following cmd:
    python -usda [qas_dir/usda_subgraphs.json] -recipe [qas_dir/sampled_recipe_kg.json] -o [qas_dir] -sampling_prob 0.05 -num_qas_per_tag 20

    Note that if your machine does not have large RAM (e.g., > 16GB), you can set smaller sampling ratios (i.e., sampling_prob and num_qas_per_tag) when creating the dataset.

Run a KBQA system

Preprocess the Q&A dataset

  1. Go to the BAMnet/src folder, run the following cmd:
    python -data_dir [qas_dir] -kb_path [qas_dir/foodkg.json] -out_dir [qas_dir] In the message printed out, your will see some data statistics such as vocab_size, num_ent_types, num_relations. These numbers will be used later when modifying the config file.

Load pretrained word embeddings

  1. Download the pretrained Glove word ebeddings

  2. Unzip the file and convert glove format to word2vec format using the following cmd:
    python -m gensim.scripts.glove2word2vec --input glove.840B.300d.txt --output glove.840B.300d.w2v

  3. Fetch the pretrained Glove vectors for our vocabulary.
    python -emb glove.840B.300d.w2v -data_dir [qas_dir] -out [qas_dir/glove_pretrained_300d_w2v.npy] -emb_size 300

Tran/test a KBQA system

  1. Modify the config file BAMnet/src/config/kbqa.yml to suit your needs. Note that you can start with modifying only the data folder and vocab size (e.g., data_dir, kb_path, pre_word2vec, vocab_size, num_ent_types, num_relations), and leave other variables as they are.

  2. Train the KBQA model.
    python -config config/kbqa.yml

  3. Test the KBQA model:
    python -config config/kbqa.yml